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Old 16-07-2005, 09:40 AM
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Default Growing Roses Indoors

On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 08:43:59 +0000 (UTC), "Martin"

Yes HT's can be grown indoors, and can bloom more continuously than outdoor
roses. But you will have your work cut out. You will need space, light and
air in large quantities in addition to the general requirements for good
To make life easier I would recommend growing miniature indoors and for a
good book on the subject see 'The Complete Book of Miniature Roses' by
Charles Marden Fitch, published by Hawthorn Books Inc, New York and

Hall, Ontario.

We will cover the subject on our web site eventually but in the meantime

our web site for general cultural requirements for rose growing at:-


Martin Double
Bexrose - Webmaster

Web Site:

"Blah" wrote in message
Hi, I was wondering whether hybrid teas can be grown and blooms more
than once annually indoors and how difficult it would be. If its too
difficult is there a similar rose that can be successfully grown this
way? I like the miniature roses since the plants themselves won't take
up much space but I'd prefer a plant that grows large flowers.

Just curious. Does anyone find a post like this useful?