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Old 15-07-2005, 05:07 PM
Reel Mckoi
Posts: n/a

"DKat" wrote in message
What are you doing with the water you are taking our of the pond to lower
the depth?

$$ The 2000 gallon pond was completely drained and the liner temporarily
removed. All the fry in that pond were at least 1" long and easily removed
to a fry pool to themselves. :-) The water was pumped out onto the lawn.

Could you not just take a trash can with netting in it, pump the
water into it an pull out the fry when they accumulate enough to matter

$$ The tiny fry born in the holding pool would never survive the trip
through the pump's impeller. What may work though is we're going to use the
water for irrigation in a flower and veggie bed. It'll gravity feed through
a garden hose to a 40 gallon holding tank by the driveway. Any fry that end
up in that tank will be easily seen, netted and saved! The 75' trip through
the hose shouldn't kill them.

(have 2 cans that you switch the hose to on emptying)? Of course I'm

hoping the predators get my fry since my pond is small enough that it can
only afford a small population.

$$ I'm sure many things prey on our fry but the sheer numbers still leave
more than we can ever hope to raise. What we find upsetting is when one of
our adult fish go missing. This pic was taken before the ponds were netted.
Most were killed by predators. Few of these are still with us. The most
flashy, most colorful and the most expensive always vanished first.

P.S. Could you please not respond to the cross posting trolls. It only
encourages them and I get tired of blocking the new ones that keep showing
up when encouraged.

McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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