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Old 13-11-2002, 10:36 AM
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Default Musings on Compost Heaps (and the things you find in them)

"Sarah Dale" wrote in message
Hi All,

Having excavated and remade my compost heap at the weekend, I was
pondering on a number of items.

1) The sheer weight of the d*mn stuff! My compost only seems to come in
two varieties - heavy and heavier! (All varieties seem to be wet, muddy
and somewhat clayish...)

2)The number of garden tools a compost heap can "vanish". I suspected my
garden scissors were in the heap as of a few of weeks ago, and sure
enough I found them. What suprised me was the fact my favourite hand fork
was in the heap (admittadbly it had only been there a week!). Oh well, I
should be grateful I found them.

3) The quantity of wildlife in the heap. Worms (garden and brandling/tiger
- either that or the small bright red ones were baby garden worms),
beetles, woodlice, snails etc..

4) And why is it, 30 seconds after you think, "Oh, I hope there aren't any
frogs in the heap" and 1/2 way through the compost heap you promptly go
and find one with the end of the fork....
On a slightly happier note, I found another 3 frogs before the fork got to
them, and persuaded them they didn't want to be in the compost heap.

And 5) Why is my compost heap already 1/3 - 1/2 full again allready!!!


When we viewed into our current house, about 6 years ago, we were introduced
by the then owners to their "compost heap", upon excavation we found, two
old fork heads (full sized), three old spade heads, two trowels, two hoe
heads, one dutch one draw, I think. Roughly enough springs to form one old
fashioned mattress, and enough burnt wood to start a really nice fire
(elsewhere). I felt like writing to the previous owners, maybe posting their
"compost" back to them !!!.

It just amazed me, that they had the (gaul, temerity, audacity dont know the
right word here), to actually call this thing a compost heap. The funniest
find, I thought though, was after emptying the whole heap out we found an
ancient rubarb plant still trying to grow through. We left this for one year
and got a huge crop of rubarb. Silver lining ???!?!
