Thanks everyone for the info!!
"Roy" wrote in message
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:06:16 -0600, Wilmdale
===Geeeesh! I just called a supplier here and the guy that answered the
===phone says "what's southern bentonite or calcium bentonite?" "I just
===have straight bentonite". Then he says, "who calls it that"?
===W. Dale
Somehow that just does not surprise me one bit. I deal with foundry on
a pretty large scale but only as a hobby or small side line business,
and patronize quite a few forums related to foundry stuff. One or
two forums will always find those wanting to use kitty litter because
its cheaper and they only want 5 pounds not 50 or 100.......but they
do not know what kind of kitty litter it is to begin with........They
all assume its one and the same, be it deorderized or plain jane
"western", and insist on usiing it for refractory mix, as well as
greensand molds.........Most of these folks only ever play with
aluminum or lead, and most will still run out and buy kitty litter and
then come back latter complaiining that their refratory or greensand
does not work right and what can they do, but still will not buy the
proper type bentonite to use...........but usually some eventually see
the light and go and buy a bag for about double what a small bag of
generic kitty litter costs and wind up with about 100 times more in
the amount........and then say wow, what a difference......The older
well versed indivuduals that used to run parts and customer counters
are getting few and far between anymore......and most clerks or
counter tpye associates in business do not have a clue what does what
or what the item is they are actually looking up that your wanting to
Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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