Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article , Andrew wrote:
Sounds like a Phalaenopsis to me.
Try the following culture sheets:
Ours has done very well, largely by accident. It has been on a
warm but not hot, south facing but blocked by buildings, window
ledge and has been watered erratically with rain water and even
more erratically fertilised using dilute Miracle Grow (in the
summer only, and only a few times then).
My understanding is that quite of lot of ephiphytic orchids are
very tough (against neglect) but absolutely cannot take cold, wet
conditions. But I am no expert.
Nick Maclaren,
University of Cambridge Computing Service,
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
Tel.: +44 1223 334761 Fax: +44 1223 334679
Phalaenopsis hate having wet (or even damp) roots. After several
attempts, I've finally successfully(?) re-potted one by half filling its
pot with stones and then very course/loose orchid mixture on top. At
least it seems happy as it is growing new roots very enthusiastically in
all directions (except, being an epiphyte, down).
Also, take care when watering not to let water droplets settle at the
base of the leaves.
A second flowering can be stimulated when the first set finish by
cutting the stem just above the 2nd node down from the lowest flower.
As an aside, if you are ever in E. Sussex, it is well worth visitng
McBeans, at Cooksbridge, north of Lewis. One of the champion tropical
orchid growers in the UK. And if you have an orchid which needs
repotting, take it along when they are not busy and they'll do it while
you wait.
Larry Stoter