The message
from JohnOGroats contains these words:
Anyone had success in swapping cuttings by post. What is the best way
to do it? I am thinking of wrapping roots in kitchen roll and posting
wrapped in plastic.
Wrap in the pierced plactic that bread often comes in - you don't want
to seal them completely. Wrap the cuttings in damp moss.
I have some bog myrtle which came down as bare-root shrubs, first-class
post. A pic of it last year is at:
The peat in the planter was covered in the moss the plants came wrapped
in. They're a bit bigger now, and all sorts of seeds which were in the
moss are coming up.
Anyone else up to swapping house plant cuttings?
I might have to cut my rubber tree back soon...
Emus to: horrid dot squeak snailything zetnet point co full-stop uk