Hey dweeb, when you get a dog that can stay in the game let me know, I
may have lots of time n my hands but I do not have time to play with
amatuers such as you ........
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 08:08:30 -0700, Courageous
===Your grasping at straws now spineless....how you ever come up with
===courageous is beyond me........So with your insietence to keep poking
===I assume you like to keep the noise level high, so be it....but don;t
===forget,. you were warned..........so now that you want to throw a dog
===into this crap, I consider you fair game as well..........you had your
===choice asshole!
===Prior point about messages revealing more about the poster than the
===target... fully made.
Put some color in your cheeks...garden naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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