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Old 12-11-2002, 04:24 PM
Simon Avery
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Default Gardening or Equestrian?

"Janet Sanderson" wrote:

Hello Janet

JS I planted prickly stuff in reach of the horse incase she was
JS tempted to eat plants, and my prize plant costing £35 black
JS bamboo just out of her reach. ( I know £38 in the local G.C)

JS So the first day she turned into a panda X giraffe stretched
JS her neck and pulled up the bamboo (funny how they always get
JS the expensive stuff first). and now she is eating the
JS prickly holly. She can't reach it from her stable, but I let
JS her out to roam on the concrete area infront of it. I don't
JS want to keep her in her stable all the time, but would like
JS my plants to grow.

JS Any Ideas?

Yes. Electric fencing strung off the existing fencing. We do it as a
matter of course for all our post and rail simply because it stops
them rubbing and breaking it.

I did some stuff about this at;

uk.rec.equestrian might also have some more ideas.

Simon Avery, Dartmoor, UK Ý