The message
from kate7 contains these words:
Another word about the plentitude of this finefruit. When my mum was
little EVERY child in the village was sent out picking berries for
jam.And she says there was still never a shortage. I believe the
environment was much better off when communities engaged with it in a
sustainable and appreciative way.
When I was little I was sent out with a pudding basin to collect
blackberries, and I went out with a carrier bag (They were strong brown
paper with string handles in those days...) on my own account and picked
rose hips, which I took to the local MoF (Ministry of Food) office,
where I sold them for lots of money. (I can't remember how much, but I
think it was either a penny or tuppence a pound: but when your
pocket-money was threppence a week a carrier bag of rose hips was a
king's ransom.)
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