Pump and Heat questions for FL above ground
Hello all, I finally found a tub from Tractor Suppy Company. Wondering if
y'all can give me some pointers. The tub is galvanized metal, 6ft in
diameter, 375 gallons. I have a two part question involving pump and heat.
I live in Naples Florida. Is there any issue having an above ground pond in
temperatures like we have here? My pool water is 85 degrees right now. I
imagine, even with the shade from plants around the tub, that the water will
get warm.
Second, for that size, I'd like reccomendations on reaonsably priced
pump/bio filters (or what price is reasonable when looking) for this size.
Also would like to know which types of filter/pump is the easiest to
maintain and take care of. Finally, do you recommend an ultra violete
Vince in Naples