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  #14   Report Post  
Old 13-07-2005, 02:16 PM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a

The message
from Martin Brown contains these words:

No-one is harmed. However, I would suggest that the administrators are
approached, and without mentioning the enormous size of the fruit, get
permission to root some ends and remove them.

Why not tell them why you want it? They can keep a few cuttings too and
maybe sales will help fund the upkeep of the reserve. Most reserves
struggle for funds even at the best of times - a new blackberry cultivar
might be a nice little earner. Provided the berries taste OK as well as
being huge.

I'd tell them *AFTER* I'd established a cutting or two. If they do
decide it worth propagating for sale, they'll probably sell the whole
clump to a nursery, who would register the strain and sell it on, giving
the administrators a royalty for an agreed period.

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