Yes indeed. There isn't always one right forumla.
Back in high school it used to drive my advanced math teacher bonkers
when I would use a different path/formula to reach the same answer. The
way she "taught" I could never grasp the concept(s). At home my dad, a
Civil Engineer, would teach me an alternate way of doing things. I
distinctly remember a conversation where she insisted I do it *her* way
because that was the right way. Uh huh. My Civil Engineer dad, who was
designing fish ladders, calculating stress loads on floors etc, was
apparently doing it all wrong. It's a wonder the projects didn't
collapse. ;-)
For me, simpler is better.
Obligatory pond comment:
The goldfish are happy out there in the pond. They must be stuffing
themselves silly with nature's buffet. My friend tells me they aren't
all that interested in the pellets he's tossing in. The fantail has
figured out how to compress the two fans and use his "one" tail fin to
move faster. The Oranda still bumbles along.
I wonder if they'll be eating the lily blooms that I need for the next
competition. ;-)