Thread: Goldfish fry
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Old 12-07-2005, 04:32 PM
Reel Mckoi
Posts: n/a

"Rak" wrote in message
Yes I have plants around the shelving edge at the front. The back is
deeper and slopes steeply. The fry mainly stay (or are more noticeable)
around the shallower edge around the plants -but they do swim all around
the pond now. even quite deeply.

** Yes, once they gain some confidence and size they're all over the place.

When the sun is shining I can see them
right down near the pump-they dont seem to have got pumped up and
filtered! As well as my 2 goldfish and shubunkin I also have 4 baby koi
(about 3") So I dont suppose my stocking levels should be much over

** It sounds like your pond is doing fine. :-) Enjoy those fry.

I have never drained the pond and re-filled (except when I had the pond
professionally overhauled) I just top it up occasionally if the level is
dropping a bit. evaporation?

* On a dry windy day my ponds can lose an inch or more of water. :-( I
have no bottom drain so we clean the whole thing. That gives me a chance to
cull the fish and replant the overgrown plants etc. I don't mind it a bit.

I dont have a drain anyway, I'd have to
pump it all out!

** That's what we do. It makes the grass grow like crazy.......

McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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