Onions, harvesting, curing and storing
Although I've grown onions for many years, my husband decided he wanted
to grow some. The way I harvest them is waiting until the tops bend
over, then breaking them off, leaving the onion in the ground for
several days. Then I pull the onions out, braid the tops and hang them
just like they grew, bulb side down, in a cool place to finish curing
and to store.
I looked on the internet and one site said to pull them out when the
tops fall over, and let them cure above the ground. I can understand
that. A friend of my husband's told him to hang them with the bulbs
up, before they are allowed to cure. My concern is that the bulb will
"grow" back into the stalk. Is my concern a valid one? Can anyone
give me an idea of the proper way to hang them, bulb up or down, and if
you can cure them while hanging. Thank you.