Thread: Goldfish fry
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Old 11-07-2005, 11:58 PM
Rak Rak is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2005
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by Reel Mckoi
"Rak" wrote in message

I have loads of fry in my pond -I think 2 different lots as the size is
so variable and also noticed the very young fry on 2 different
occasions. I have 2 female fish and one male so I guess they are from
both females. I didn't do anything with the fry as everyone advised
they would never survive, anyway I wasn't trying to increase stock.

** Why would they not survive if you water quality is good? Some will
manage to survive even in a pond with almost no plants to hide in.

I'm worried that too many are surviving. The biggest are well over 1
inch long now and some starting to turn a bluey colour like their
subumkin mum. Have they got too big to be food for parents now?

** Once they come out of hiding and swim around my ponds they are too big to
be eaten. I think they sense this at some point.

what at what size are they likely to become an over stocking problem? I
reckon I have at least 100 - a couple of months old now!

** Not knowing anything about your pond and it's filtration system I don't
think anyone can say. If the water quality remains OK then you're probably
not overstocked - yet. Since we drain and clean our ponds at the least
every 2 years, we don't have much of an overstocking problem. I have always
found buyers for my excess fish plus a farmer who takes the culls for his
stock pond.
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Everything I read about fry (once I realised I had them) suggested that Fry were nearly always eaten by the parents unless they were removed to a separate area -clearly not so!
I dont know how many gallons my pond is as I didn't make it - but it's about 14 feet by 8 feet by 3 feet depth. I have a bio and UV filter. The water quality is good -better now than it was when the fry hatched. The fish spawned after my pond had an over-haul and a filter fitted. As the filter has been going about 8-9 weeks the water has been getting better and better. Chrystal clear, zero readings and PH 8.5. So I guess I have to just keep testing the water and when it deteriorates do something with the fry?