In article , Dave Poole
Despite the fact that there are bromeliads perched on trees in flower
at the moment, the Strelitzia and Clivias flower well in spring and
the palms and bananas are going great guns, I still occasionally yearn
for the rich, heady, myrrh-like fragrance of a really good rose.
Strelitzias, like many tropicals, are hummingbird pollinated, aren't
they? and therefore need colour but not scent. Most of our scented
flowers are scented to attract insects - but presumably there are still
pollinating insects in the tropics - are there not similarly scented
flowers? (Vanilla springs to mind - is the flower as scented as the seed
pod? - but even you wouldn't be able to grown that) - or do the insects
respond to different chemicals? Or maybe pollination by insects just
doesn't feature much?
"Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river"