Sounds like you have more of a swimming pool or hot tub test kit.
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 07:28:57 -0600, "G & K Meyer"
===I should add that our pond is on a every third day fill cycle, it gets new
===water with I tested and is a very low ph so that should bring it down every
===third day right?
=== Also What is this KH ? What does it do?
===The strips I have test for Hardness, Chlorine, Bromine, ph, Alkalinity and
=== I can start to check AM and PM but like I mentioned with my pond filling
===to day will that make difference?
=== It has been in the 90's for awhile here could temp have anything to do
===with ph ?
=== Thanks again, this group is great.
===pond 4 years old at least. ph out of tap is 6.3. fish about a dozen.
===fish about as old as pond with some new off spring. Fish seem to be fine.
===but plants not doing so good.
=== Strips are only good to show a problem, and thus get the big guns out, the
=== liquid test kits. I highly recommend Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, if buying
=== in
=== local store, check the lot no. for the date of manufacture.
=== Since your strip only goes to 8.4 you don't know if your pond is 8.4 or
=== much higher. Get a wide range pH testor that goes to at least 9.0 and get
=== a
=== KH tester.... in the meantime, gives us your pH in the AM and PM. If it is
=== swinging widely, that is more reason to be concerned.
=== The only acceptable numbers for ammonia & nitrite are zeros. Anything else
=== treat them. Ammonia with an ammonia locking (chloramine remover) chemical
=== and salt for nitrite. ~ jan
=== ~Power to the Porg, Flow On!~
Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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