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Old 05-11-2002, 10:31 AM
Michael Savage
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Default White mushrooms/toadstools in lawn

"Lynda Thornton" wrote in message

There has been a sudden sprouting of quite large white mushrooms in our
front lawn - they have flat and sometimes wavy tops and are fairly plain
creamy beige colour - just wondered if anyone could identify them? I
don't have a good book on this and can't find a good website either?


One of the latest surprises as we head into our first autumn/winter in the
new garden is the range of fungi that are appearing. Most I haven't a clue
what they are - will be getting the Roger Phillips out at the weekend (I
always used to work on the rule of thumb that I would identify 20 new fungi
each year and then forget 18 of them...) - but was pleasantly surprised when
raking out under a juniper for a small wood blewit to appear...unfortunately
neighbour's dog got to it before we could eat it but bodes well for the

Michael S