Thread: Trefoil in Lawn
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Old 04-07-2005, 11:44 PM
Paul Giverin
Posts: n/a

In message , Andrew Newton
We've moved house recently and I'm now attacking the lawn. I've got quite a
bit of trefoil which is now in flower. As I don't want to use chemicals can
I remove this by raking the patches before I mow (as I've successfully done
previously with clover) each time. Also any idea what cause this to grow so
I can take some preventitive measures.

Its resistant to chemical treatments anyway IME so mechanical removal is
recommended. Although it spreads out over the surface of the lawn, it
has a single root so its not too difficult to pull out by hand. I think
that using a rake would remove the top growth while leafing the roots in
place to sprout again.

It seems to favour poor quality soil. Where I live its quite sandy and
all the goodness washes out. My own lawn is free from it because I hate
the stuff and religiously oik it out as soon as I see any but the
neighbours are not so conscientious and I get the "benefit" of their

Paul Giverin

British Jet Engine Website