Thread: Gooseberries
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Old 03-07-2005, 04:28 PM
Mike Lyle
Posts: n/a

Corncrake wrote:
",,, At one end of this mantelpiece, which was broad, a large jar

bee wine was in full activity , the bees with awful*** deliberation
floating very slowly up and down. ,,, "
Katharine Whitehorn - "Cooking in a Bedsitter" 1967 Epilogue, p 180

No mention of actual dead bee nor of demijohn, so I am not sure if

should commend or commiserate on your memory ;-)


Bit of both: you can't be suggesting the bees were still _alive_ ,
shirley? And a dj _is_ a jar. I was wrong about the windowsill, among
other bits.

Certainly the same book: I remember the "awful deliberation". The
punch-line (was it not?) was "We're living in the kitchen".

Does the title "O Guru" come with any lands and benefits :-?))

No, but you get my namaste, Guru-ji. Another one if you can explain
fully and finally what this bee wine was all about.
