Thread: cheesey plant
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Old 30-06-2005, 11:58 PM
Posts: n/a

what are the best conditions for a cheese plant???

I don't know about the best conditions, but I've got one which is 10 or more
years old, about 8' high with leaves of up to 1 1/2' wide, and the thing is
still growing even though it had its top chopped off last year. I cut this
with a couple of the aerial roots, potted it and this is also growing! I
water once a week, but have never fed them. Conditions: for most of its life
it was in a hallway with a pot that was far too small for it, in fact when I
re-potted it into one more suitable, there was no soil left in the pot, only
roots! The hallway faced north with a glass door, but only when someone was
in the house, otherwise the storm doors were shut, so the plant wasn't
exposed to that much light. I moved last year and it's now at the back of a
south-ish facing living room. It's actually too big for here and I would
like to sell it if possible, but don't know if anyone would buy such a