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Old 30-06-2005, 12:58 PM
John Fryatt
Posts: n/a
Default Plant advice please.


Can anyone advise me on a plant that will do well in a tub, standing in
front of a North-ish facing wall?
I planted fuschias last year, which seemed to do ok, if not great, but
now I'm thinking something a little taller, evergreen and semi-permanent.
The tub is next to my front door, near a corner of the house. The front
faces NNW. This spot will only get any sun in late afternoons, although
it's open to the sky so it's quite bright.

I was thinking Euonymus Fotunei 'Green/gold' but some sources say
partial shade and some say full sun. What do you think?

Any other choices? I'd prefer not to have a conifer.

Thanks, John