Keith, I was told by old onion growers that when about 75 percent of the
tops have fallen over, bend over the rest. Then in 10 to 12 days pull them,
wash them and cut the greens off, and lay them in the shade (inside would be
better), where the air can circulate around them for another 10 days to
cure. I have followed their advice for the past 7 years and haven't found
any reason not to continue.
Curing the onions will make them last longer in storage than those not
cured. Bending the tops over is supposed to allow the growth and nutrients
go into the onion rather than the greens. Everyone has their own idea and
you are entitled to pick and choose which you accept.
"keith ;-)" wrote in message
I am growing red baron & stuttgarter giant?.Do you have to wait until the
leaves have started to die back,bend them over lift and dry.Or can you
pick the decent sized onions straight from the ground when needed &
in to the kitchen to use?
Sorry if this is a stupid Q ,first time veg grower here!
Thanks Keith,Nottingham,England,UK.