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Old 29-06-2005, 06:44 PM
Mike Lyle
Posts: n/a

Mike Lyle wrote:

I'm awfully sorry: I tried to cut and paste a snippet, but my reply
window remained staunchly blank, so I thought it hadn't worked. I
must get into the TinyURL habit too: sorry about that as well. Try

If you're thinking of what's at:

then, yes, it's true, and I reckon it falls neatly under the
provisions of your own rule

[...interminable inadvertent quotation snipped...]
"Common sense, not common market."

Cutting or laying agricultural hedges between 1 March and 31 August
would generally be a pretty destructive thing to do. Local

might suggest other dates, and on the whole I'd play safe with

it only from November to mid-February; but it's good farming
practice. Since the rule applies only to farmers in receipt of
subsidy, i.e., who have their hands in your pockets and mine, it
seems an entirely reasonable condition.
