How to clear 150 sq.m of 6 foot tall weeds.
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29-06-2005, 03:31 PM
Janet Baraclough
Posts: n/a
The message . com
contains these words:
The plan is in two parts. Part one is to dose the whole lot with
lashings of glyphosphate (Roundup 5L with its own sprayer) to kill off
all the weeds including the roots. Part two is to hire a flame gun and
burn off all the now dead vegetation leaving bare soil covered with a
fine dressing of ash.
When weedkiller optimistically says "will treat 150 square metres",
they mean, of mown lawn, or gravel driveway. To kill 6ft tall plants you
would need a lot more volume to hit most of their leaf-area, with a
spray applied at the same level as your face :-(. You then have a 6ft
tall, 10 by 15 metre tinderbox. I wouldnt operate a flamegun in that
situation if you paid me, and I've had 20 years practice.
Slash, rake and either dispose of the brash or burn it. When you've
cleared the ground to green stubble, stamp it flat all over, and cover
it completely with old cardboardor carpet or tarpaulins or whatever you
can get that's free and excludes all light. This will finalise the
death/decomposition of any remaining weeds and prevent two years worth
of weed seeds germinating .
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