Originally Posted by Emrys Davies
I have just been given a cutting from a shrub and it appears to have
'taken'. However, the giver (West Midlands) has no idea of the name of
the shrub and I have not been able to find it in my RHS Encyclopedia -
Plants & Flowers.
The shrub is about 2' tall and has a spread of about 3' 6".
Its branches are almost horizontal and, visually, its leaves could quite
easily be mistaken for those of mint. Its flowers, which are bright
pink, look like a miniature sweet pea and they are borne on 6"-9" spikes
which are somewhat similar in appearance to a bare nettle stalk.
Hope someone can help.
Emrys Davies.
Physostegia? It is a member of the mint family and has pink flowers. But it's a perennial - so maybe not!! Here's a link to some photos: