Thread: Red Spider
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Old 26-06-2005, 07:50 PM
Nick Maclaren
Posts: n/a

In article ,
Sven wrote:
I'm all for keeping pests down, but these are so numerous that they make it
impossible to sit on the patio furniture without ending up with numerous red
stains on your clothing. Also I forgot to mention that they are no bigger
than 1mm. diameter.

Yes, I know what they are. There was an article in the Independent
today about how people now regard gardens as merely rumpus rooms
without roofs, but that is definitely a sign of Not A Real Gardener.
Seriously, don't wear clothes that aren't washable if you are going
to sit on patio furniture. In addition to those, there is blackbird
dung in blackberry (or blackcurrant) season, algae (not always easy
to see) and numerous other things.

Nick Maclaren.