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Old 26-06-2005, 04:55 PM
Steve -
Posts: n/a
Default Very strong Ammonia smell on grass

We laid a new law about 2 months ago and we have had a few patches of dead
grass. The patches have a very strong ammonia smell, so strong that when you
put your nose near the grass it almost blows your head off..

So far I have repaired the area by washing the area off with lots of water
and removing some of the soil and then placing a cut pieces of turf in the
area and its recovered very well.

We have a Bitch, but she has been well trained and does not used the grass
she has her own area. She was ill a few weeks back and for some reason she
chose to wee on two areas of grass, I washed off then off very well but the
grass still went brown so it was replaced, no problem. She has no access to
the grass if we are not in the garden area so she cant be doing it while we
are not looking.

Today I have found another area on its way out so I have replaced that the
same way. Now I am very sure she did not use this area so I am looking for
other answers.

Does anyone know how long before a bitch that has weed on grass causes it to
go brown and does it smell as bad as we seem to getting of ammonia.

Could the dreaded cats in the area be a problem, ever since we put one side
of the garden to a wildlife area we seem to get more cats, no surprise I
guess. (horrible things, but that's a hot topic as we know), can they cause
such a smell.
We don't get foxes or other large mammals.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks
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