Thread: Scarifying
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Old 29-10-2002, 12:33 PM
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Default Scarifying

"Jane Ransom" wrote in message
In article , Peter

I have taken your earlier advice. I was thinking that the end of October

too late myself, I would probably do it if I was doing it by hand, but
machines tend to be a bit vicious. There is a lot of moss in some areas

I think it would look like a field of mud over the Winter if it is

now. It will need reseeding in areas, so April/May it is.

The problem with reseeding is matching up the type of grass in the lawn.
We could never do it so when we moved here we didn't bother to reseed.
You would be surprised how quickly, with a little lawn food, the bare
patches fill in

I would experiment if it was my lawn!

I couldn't have read your previous posts properly - I didn't realise it
wasn't your lawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jane, I don't think I let on about it not being my lawn! My lawn was
scarified in Sept, by hand, as it is every year. I do some gardening work
part time. I did the RHS General Cert. but there is so much to learn! What I
find frustrating about the gardening programmes on TV is that they tell you
what to do, but often go into little detail of why. When I did the course,
it was a real eye-opener! What I love about gardening is that you can
usually redeem your mistakes, or at least learn from them without getting
the sack! Scarify in Sept? Scarify in October? The lawn aint gonna die!


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