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Old 28-10-2002, 10:05 PM
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Default identity required - is it a weed....

I think Jenny's plant is the wild celandine, has masses of tiny 'tubers' on each
If you pull it up you will always leave some behind!

Not sure what Suzanne's plant is though, with the lighter yellow variegation I don't
thing it can be oxalis!
However celandine does get rust which could be the spots she mentions.........

JennyC wrote in message
| "Suzanne ODonnell"
| wrote in message ...
| Hi
| I have just weeded my border - fairly overgrown with nettles and
| others. One
| particular plant caught my interest as i thought it could possibily
| be worth
| keeping. here's the description
| Stands about 10cms high in clumps, thin white stems - like cress -
| similar
| leaf shape to cress too but much, much bigger . Two leaves abit like
| clover - but never 3 leaves, lighter yellower varigation.The roots
| were
| unusual - which is what made me think it was planted, bunches of
| dry, tiny
| 'chick pea' shaped bulbs - which on bigger plants turned into pale
| white
| triangles like carrots still small though. I decided to pull 'em up
| as they
| had yellow / dark gold spots on the back of their leaves which I
| didn't want
| on my plants. There were so many of them it must be weeds - but we
| have
| recently turned over that patch very deeply to remove a laurel - did
| these
| plants return from a previous garden ????? adn what are they??
| Thanks for helping out with my query
| Suzanne
| I think it's sounds like something I have in my garden too. It has
| pretty yellow flowers in spring which remind me of buttercups but not
| as tall. I think its a weed as it reproduces so fast, but it easy to
| pull up. I tend to let it do its thing and then remove great clumps of
| it when other things start to come through. I don't have a clue what
| it's called :~)
| Jenny