Ditto on what courageous wrote.
Unless you go the big bucks route for a bank of large solar panels and
batterys to have a power source for the solar pumps they do nor run
long enough or are strong enough to do much good. Strictly solar
powerd ones run only during daylight hours, and do little at night
when aeration is a most vital part.
Pardon my spelling "Swanney"........heck I new better but for the life
of me could not get that name to spell right so I let it bump.......So
since your in that area you just may find a gator someday in your pond
as well.
On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 22:01:02 -0700, Courageous
===Do those floating solar powered fountains do any good?
===No. One option is to get an airpump and put a pond-sized airstone at
===the bottom of the pond. It's not the air bubbles, but rather the
===induced air current, that cause the aeration. The surface of the
===pond is a big air-exchanger, and bringing the low oxygen water from
===the bottom of the pond to the top, where the air is, does the trick.
Put some color in your cheeks...garden naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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