Thread: Tying Tomatoes
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Old 24-06-2005, 08:23 PM
Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a

DigitalVinyl wrote:

Do you pinch out a lot?
That's why I went with cages. First year I tried to stake and the
thing was growing so fast and flushing out, i really didn't like the
idea of pinching out so much. I'm sure people probalby get larger
tomatoes with pinching/staking

To me,I don't think you can stake/tie without managing the growth of
the plant regualrly and limitng it to the one or two vines per stake.
Also my stakes are only about 6 feet, too small for tomatoes. My
landlord pinches/stakes and I outproduce him, though he gets some
larger tomatoes.

Nah, I just kind of tie 'em so that they stay up and not laying all over
the ground. I'm not real big into snipping, pruning, etc. I just don't
want 'em laying on the ground.
Ever notice that putting the and IRS together makes "theirs"?