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Old 24-06-2005, 02:45 PM
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Phil L wrote:

While I'm here and on this subject, how is 'over watering' achieved?....I
have two lots of tomatoes, both planted directly into the soil but in
different greenhouses, those in the polycarbonate GH are double the size of
those in the glass one, both were planted out within a week and have similar
light conditions and soil types, the glasshouse leaks in through the roof
and so the soil is permanently damp, the plastic one has been bone dry for a
good few years - I mean not a drop - the toms in the glass house seem to be
dying from the bottom upwards, yellowed and withered branches and even the
small bunches of flowers are shrivelling up, it looks like they have never
been watered but they've had plenty....?

Possibly because the roots of the glass house plants stay near the
surface because it is always damp, and those in the poly house grow
down seeking moisture and find more nourishment at the same time?

Jo in Spain