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Old 23-06-2005, 10:10 AM
Cyril The Squirrel
Posts: n/a

In article ,
lid says...

"Cyril The Squirrel" wrote in message
.. .
To cut a long story short and get to the point. Has anybody any idea
what these black marks, lips and fin/tail tips could be?

I was thinking,... if these are shubunkins they do sometimes develop color
in places they didn't have it before. Could that be a possibility? They
can go through some real color changes.

The fish is actually a Goldfish, I do have one Shubunkin and it's
perfectly OK. This one Goldfish is the only fish that looks anything
other than perfectly healthy. It was never a problem until I moved
house and put it in my brothers pond. When it was returned I first
noticed black marks on the gill covers and was convinced that adding my
fish to his pond had caused an ammonia spike. However, I'm now not sure
because the same fish has black on other parts of it's body. I know
this can be taken as an after effect of a problem and a signal of the
healing process, the lips going black has really thrown me. The same
fish developed a behaviour change a couple of weeks ago before I noticed
the coloration around the mouth. It was coming out of the water in a
similar manner to what you see Dolphins doing when they swim next to a
boat. I haven't seen the fish come out of the water at all for probably
4 to 5 days so it could be getting back to normal.

It's a puzzle.