A contractor colleague has a garden on the western edge of
Anglesey, only 100m from the sea, and needs to plant a high hedge to
screen an undesirable extension that his neighbour is having built.
Whether the extension is undesirable because Barry didn't get the
contract to build it, or whether it's just an eyesore is not revealed.
Anyway, he asked me to suggest a suitable hedging plant, and I
gave the stock answer of 'Escallonia', but, he reckons the hedge needs
to be 2-3m in height, and be up at that height by next summer at the
So, any suggestions for an evergreen, salt-tolerant,
wind-proof, reasonably tall, low-maintenance hedging plant that is
readily available and capable of being planted by a man more
accustomed to laying sewer pipes than laying hedges would be much
appreciated. :~)
cormaic URG faqs/webring -
Culcheth Garden -
Warrington Paving -
Peoples' Republic of South Lancashire
cormaic CAN BE FOUND AT borlochshall.co.uk