Thread: How much
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Old 22-06-2005, 11:29 PM
Harold Walker
Posts: n/a

Ah yes, a good man, and from what little I know of him, he sounds like
breath of fresh air. The 'Evangelical' bit worries me a little, though,
and I hope (not Hope) it won't be reflected in the content of Choral

And today brings news of the death of Cardinal Sin - an absolutely
fantastic name.

The world will be a poorer place...

I tried mailing you but my mail bounced, so I am having to resort to
posting. Here goes:

You are really enjoying this thread, aren't you? Well, I have to tell you
that I am also enjoying it. Not much about gardening there but lots of
humour. Just what we need at present. Thanks. Carry on the good work
June Hughes/////////at least there was a little about gardening in one of
the later posts...I wondered if a potato sack would do when I visit the
Archbishop of York....suspect that meeting will be a little different than
when the Archbishop of York, Dr. Temple, laid his hands upon my head...the
halo went away very quickly tho...surely that comes under the heading of
something to do with gardening.....the potato sack that is....H