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22-06-2005, 08:22 PM
Cyril The Squirrel
Posts: n/a
In article ,
lid says...
"Cyril The Squirrel" wrote in message
.. .
I have noticed a problem with a Goldfish for a while now. I noticed
that he had black marks on his gill covers and down both sides, just in
certain areas, not all over...........
You can check
, a site run by a Lic. veterinarian who treats
and keeps pond fish.
Thanks for that, it looks like things are pointing the way I expected
apart from the black around the mouth. That's the bit that has thrown
me more than anything else, I can't find an explination for that one,
it's head scratching time.
I've got quite a good book which came highly reccomended, Handbook of
Fish Diseases by Dieter Untergasser so I'll take another look through it
to see if I've missed something.
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