In article , Sally Pointer
I'm doing a basic botany workshop in January where I want to send each child
home with a 'mystery seed' that they plant at the workshop to tend. Being
January obviously limits the choice a bit and I'm after some inspiration for
suitable seeds. My current best plan is to mix up a packet of tomato, chilli
and pepper seeds as many of those will start indoors ok in January then I
can give them enough details about the growing habits to enable them to look
after them, but they'll need to wait until it fruits to find out exactly
what they've got.
Any better ideas?
It's a wonderful idea - but one seed each??
You can't guarantee the germination of one seed.
The general procedure is to plant several and hope that one comes up
And I would leave it until a bit later in the year.
You need the light levels if the plants are to grow properly!!!!!!
Jane Ransom in Lancaster.
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