Thread: How much
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Old 21-06-2005, 05:11 PM
Posts: n/a

"EVERYBODY" is welcome on this newsgroup, whether you have only been
gardening since 1935, or are like the 'owners' have been gardening since the
days Adam was about, (I think they knew him.



National Service (RAF) Ass. Cosford 24 - 27 June Spitfire Fly Past
H.M.S.Impregnable Ass. Sussex 1 - 4 July Visit to Int. Fest of the Sea
RAF Regiment Assoc. Scarborough 2 - 5 Sept. Visit to Eden Camp
H.M.S.Collingwood Assn Trafalgar Dinner. Coventry October 21 - 24
"Harold Walker" wrote in message
Excuse top posting.....have been gardening since 1935 or there

that qualify me?

"Mike" wrote in message
'more effort' has a newbie to gardening got to make, and where, before
are 'allowed' to post on this newsgroup?

National Service (RAF) Ass. Cosford 24 - 27 June Spitfire Fly Past
H.M.S.Impregnable Ass. Sussex 1 - 4 July Visit to Int. Fest of the Sea
RAF Regiment Assoc. Scarborough 2 - 5 Sept. Visit to Eden Camp
H.M.S.Collingwood Assn Trafalgar Dinner. Coventry October 21 - 24