Bubble insulation
"Anne Jackson" wrote in message
The message
from "Mary Fisher" contains these words:
"DaveDay34" wrote in message
What about the door? At the moment the bubbles hang from the sloping
roof in two pieces which part when we go through the door but if
a better way I'll be happy to hear it.
I'd suggest that you tape the bubble wrap around the door frame
a door shaped hole in the bubble wrap to walk through. Then cut a
of bubble wrap to fit the door and tape it in place. This will keep
greenhouse snug while allowing you to enter/exit the greenhouse
parting great expanses of bubble wrap by hand.
That is the obvious thing to do - but not when it's a sliding door :-(
Thanks anyway,
Well, that's how I did it, and it works perfectly. I have a sliding door
Do you mean that the bubble wrap is hanging INSIDE the greenhouse? that's
virtually what we have now.
If so I'd got the wrong end of the stick, not a unique occurrence. If it
were attached to the door it would foul when the door were opened.
Incidentally, today it's been a little draughty (the storms are yet to come)
and, looking from the house, I can se the drapes of bubble wrap moving
slightly so there's obviously some ventilation.
Anne _
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