Thread: Buddliea
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Old 20-06-2005, 09:11 PM
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"Kay" wrote in message
In article , Charlie
Pridham writes

My year starts with B. salvifolia alba around Christmas, this is followed

B. madagascariensis in early spring then B. salvifolia in April, B.
fallowiana by June then all the davidias and one of my favourites B. x
weyeriana. later in the Autumn B. colvelii and forsterii are lovely. All
make splendid climbing frames for clematis!

B salvifolia - interesting that the variety flowers so much earlier than
the species

Is B x weyeriana the apricot globular flowered one?

No Kay~ weyeriana is as you would imagine a cross between davidii and
globosa. Buttercup yellow flowers in a spike similar to davidii but not so
Flowers till Xmas and is sterile so no seed heads. Quite the best.
Flowers over a much longer period than any others. Its only disadvantage is
its inability to wthstand strong winds. It only produces a shallow root
system and blows over. Well worth a try. Roots well[ish] from cuttings but
not so readily as davidii.
Best wishes Brian.

As to the rest - I need to do some looking at books. How hardy are they?
- there's a big difference between Cornwall and Yorkshire.
"Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river"