Thread: urgmeets
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Old 20-06-2005, 03:26 PM
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"Kay" wrote in message
Years ago, urg used to hold regular 'urgmeets'. An urgler (poster to
uk.rec.gardening) would invite others to come to see his/her garden on a
particular day, and people would bring plants to swap. On other days,
people would agree to meet up at a public garden or garden show.

We met at Kew once, which was a great success. Some of us brought cars
with plants in, and swapped plants, and others came by train and tube.
We had a good day out and some great conversations.

These meets were open to all, and everybody was welcome. These meets are
the reason why some people in the group know each other - first we met
in urg, then we met in Real Life!

Sadly, as the number posting to newsgroups has increased and people have
become more suspicious of each other, the urgmeets have withered away,
not because anyone has wanted to keep people out, but because no-one has
responded when someone has suggested one (as David did only a few weeks

I'm still open to hosting one, I'm about 3 miles off the A1(M) and 16 m
SW of Cambridge. I have space to park cars (village hall opposite - does
that ring any bells Janet??) and a large fairly new garden with lots
more to do, but public transport is hard to come by - though there is a
small rail station about 2m away.

I enjoyed the urgmeets. I got to meet new people that I would never ever
have met without urg, I could see their gardens and understand the
problems they were talking about. So I'm sad that they have vanished. Is
there anyone out there who would like to start urgmeets again, or have
they vanished forever?

JennyC writes

I never made it to one in the 'good old days', but you might tempt me over
......... :~)

I think its just a matter of floating an idea and keeping it going until
enough of us agree on where and when to make it happen. Not everyone
will be able to make it in that location or at that time, but enough of
us should be able to for the tradition to be continued. I'd dearly love
to get down to Devon and meet Sacha and see their place and do the Eden
project - and current family circumstances mean its unlikely in the near
future - but you never know!