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Old 19-06-2005, 10:08 PM
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In article , Rhiannon Sands

"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
.. .
I've just noticed in Chiltern's seed catalogue that Briza maxima is
described as a hardy annual (whereas Briza media is perennial) which
means it'll die in the autumn. If you want to keep it going, you must
collect the seed and sow again next year, or let them fall where they
will, but don't cut them off before they're ripe just to tidy up the

How odd, I'd have thought (always a mistake that) that they'd both have been
the same, or that it would've been the smaller one the annual.

On the principle that it doesn't have enough time to grow that big in
just one year? Rather like, it's the smaller of our two nettles which is
the annual?

There's a possibility, I don't know whether it's true or not, that B
maxima is perennial in its native country, but doesn't like our winters,
so is annual in the gardening sense - rather like runner beans.

"Do not insult the crocodile until you have crossed the river"