Thread: Composting
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Old 19-06-2005, 05:33 PM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a

The message
from "Harold Walker" contains these words:

I agree that regardless of the mix it all will "eventually" break down but
my question was relating the the "efficient" other words what ratio
will give the quickest rate of decompostion..........H

I don't know whether anyone has researched that. It would depend on all
sorts of other wossnames: day temperature and night temperature,
regularity of turning, wetness, type of vegetable matter, even type of
grass you have on the lawn, and how long you let it grow before you cut

Then there are the earthworms, and the non-presence of flatworms, oh,
lots of things.

Just tip it all in, mix it every now and again, keep it moist but not
sodden, and let it get on with it.

Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.