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Old 24-10-2002, 10:57 PM
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Default Help! Fruit and Veg comp for 2003

Hi Jane
I presume you want to hold a competition for the allotment holders and not a
full scale flower show.
Now the first thing you have to do is to think how many of you there are on
the site, or do you want other allotment sites taking part?
Do you have an allotment/society "Hut" where the produce could be staged?
Why do you want a competition/ Is it to encourage your members to grow a
wider range of things?

If it is, then comp for 6 veg, (You can specify the number of each, you
don't have to stick to RHS numbers.)

3 veg and cut flowers

Comp for growing crop, still in the ground to be judged in situe.

Heaviest marrow/pumpkin.

Longest runner bean.

Heaviest Cabbage, carrot, lettuce, tomato etc

Best tasting tomato (a blind colleague of mine used to judge this class in
local flower show-- she wasn't influenced by the look of the fruit)

Hope this gets you thinking..........
If I can help with more ideas then do mail me.

David Hill
Abacus Nurseries