Propagating Patty's Plum poppy
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19-06-2005, 12:32 AM
Posts: n/a
On 18/6/05 11:11 pm, in article
, "Janet
Tweedy" wrote:
In article , Sacha
Maybe we've got boring soil, or something. It seems to remain true to form
each year and I think we've had it three or four years in the garden. Now
I'm going to have trot out there in this sweltering heat and have a look to
see what ours are doing. Moan, groan, whinge..... ;-)
Oh dear. I've just come in from mowing the lawn at 9.25pm as it was far
too hot to go out much before 7pm.
I can see the poppy from the lounge so it's easier for me
Unfortunately it's rooted through the pot into the rockery so I'll have
to wait until it stops flowering to try and dig it up.
LOL! I spent a very happy hour weeding in one of the glass houses at around
9pm. I love that time of day during the summer. The whole place is empty,
the dogs are just sauntering about and we have the garden and nursery to
ourselves while the moon rises above our heads and the birds raising young
in the glass houses dash in and out with beaks full of squirmies for their
young. I think it's the most magical time.
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)
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