wrote in message
I disagree. I do use (peat based) seed compost for delicate flowers and
the like but I find veg seed are pretty strong and just sow it into
peat free compost - or even old recycled compost. I think the secret is
probably a continual supply of water - without waterlogging. This year
i sowed two module trays of brassicas. One did really well - and i
have planted them out. The others are all short and slow growing. There
is one difference - the ones that did well were sitting in a tray with
no drainage holes, the poorly ones were in a tray with drainage holes.
I've had similar experience of potted-on seedlings of Salvia and Chinese
Lantern sitting for ages in peat-free compost without growing, and looking a
bit pale. I fed them with an organic pot-plant fertiliser earlier this week
and they've all sprung into life again. I've also noticed that the water
running through peat-free composts is VERY brown, it's obviously washing
something out very quickly.