Thread: Strawberries!
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Old 18-06-2005, 07:42 PM
Pam Moore
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 17:21:30 +0100, "Nel"

I got some strawberry plants off a work colleague a couple of years ago.
Last summer I only got about a dozen(!) berries so this year I got a big
strawberry pot, planted last years plants and bought more to fill all the
holes. At this point there is hoardes of leaves and quite a few shooters
sprouting out but there were not so many flowers.

Does this mean that, again, there will not be a decent crop or is there
anything I can do now to increase the yield?

Do you have any ground you can plant them in? My experience with a
strawberry pot, some years ago, was not a success. I think it is more
difficult to keep them moist at all times. In contrast, my pants on
the allotment have done well. I have a very good crop this year;
picked about a pound off dozen plants 2 days ago.

Pam in Bristol