Propagating Patty's Plum poppy
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18-06-2005, 03:48 PM
Posts: n/a
On 18/6/05 2:19 pm, in article
"Janet Baraclough" wrote:
The message
from Sacha contains these words:
On 18/6/05 9:46 am, in article
, "Janet
Tweedy" wrote:
Does Patty's Plum normally have a varied colouring to the flowers?
It doesn't set seed that will come true, so has to be done by root cuttings,
according to Ray. But we can't explain the colour variation.
Interesting. I've noticed considerable variation in colour of PP's
displayed at shows (and for sale).
Maybe we've got boring soil, or something. It seems to remain true to form
each year and I think we've had it three or four years in the garden. Now
I'm going to have trot out there in this sweltering heat and have a look to
see what ours are doing. Moan, groan, whinge..... ;-)
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)
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