Propagating Patty's Plum poppy
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18-06-2005, 11:16 AM
Posts: n/a
On 18/6/05 9:46 am, in article
, "Janet
Tweedy" wrote:
My Patty's Plum poppy has flowered well, (unfortunately in the pot that
I inadvertently left on top of the rockery as I forgot what was in it!)
Whilst three flowers are of the usual dusky pink, one has unfurled with
the most wonderful deep burgundy coloured petals.
How can I propagate this, indeed can I?
Mostly I take root cuttings but am not sure why one part of the plant
should have developed this way, so I am unsure what portion of the roots
will control that colour.
Does Patty's Plum normally have a varied colouring to the flowers?
It doesn't set seed that will come true, so has to be done by root cuttings,
according to Ray. But we can't explain the colour variation. However, Ray
suggests nurturing it as perhaps you have a lovely new plant to your credit!
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)
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